- Tuesday, September 13 - 8:00am
Liceo Francés de Santo Domingo - Santo Domingo - Wednesday, September 14 - 9:00am
Colegio Loyola, Santo Domingo - Wednesday, September 14 - 9:00am
Colegio Bilingue New Horizons, Santo Domingo - Wednesday, September 14 - 9:00am
St. Michael’s School, Santo Domingo - Wednesday, September 14 - 9:00am
Colegio Dominicano, Santiago de los Caballeros - Wednesday, September 14 - 10:00am
Palacio del Cine – Agora, Santo Domingo - Wednesday, September 14 - 10:00am
FUNGLODE, Santo Domingo - Wednesday, September 14 - 10:00am
Centro Cultural Monina Cámpora, San Juan de la Maguana - Thursday, September 15 - 10:00am
Saint George School, Santo Domingo - Thursday, September 15 - 10:00am
Colegio Bilingue New Horizons, Santiago de los Caballeros - Thursday, September 15 - 10:00am
Centro Cultural Perelló, Baní - Thursday, September 15 - 10:00am
Casa de la Cultura de Constanza. La Vega - Thursday, September 15 - 11:30am
Instituto Iberia, Santiago de los Caballeros - Thursday, September 15 - 6:00pm
Oficina Técnica Provincial, Hermanas Mirabal (Salcedo) - Friday, September 16 - 10:00am
Centro Cultural Narciso Gonzalez, Santo Domingo - Friday, September 16 - 10:00am
Biblioteca Infantil y Juvenil Republica Dominicana, Santo Domingo - Friday, September 16 - 10:00am
Palacio del Cine- Bella Terra, Santiago de los Caballeros - Friday, September 16 - 3:00pm
Iván García Teatro Escuela, Puerto Plata/Sosua
Small narrative that seeks to convey a clear and simple message: Our way of life as a society is seriously affecting our planet and endangering natural resources for generations to come.
Director: Pedro Narváez Castellanos and Emma López
Country: Mexico
Year: 2011
Duration: 3:11 min
Language: No Dialogue
Pedro Narváez Castellanos and Emma López Hechem
Pedro Narváez Castellanos and Emma López Hechem studied Information Design at the University of Las Americas, Puebla, and graduated with honors from the certificate program for Visual Effects for Cinema and Television at the Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology in Toronto, Canada. They have worked for renowned animation and post-production companies in Mexico and abroad, among them Televisa, Organika, E! Entertainent, and Zink Inc. Their project portfolio includes clients such as Discovery Channel, Much Music, Sportsnet, CBC, Walmart, E! Entertainment Television Canada, and TSN. They are currently Directors of the Mexican firm AVA Artes Visuales y Animación, which specializes in motion graphics, post-producción, and video projection mapping.

Sustainable Foods
Films to help us reflect on the food we eat, how it’s produced, and the effects of our daily eating decisions on our environment.
These films help us explore the oceans and seas and their corals; birds and other species under threat of extinction; and the abuses committed by humans against global biodiversity. Inspiring, emotive, dramatic, and impactful stories that are guaranteed to rouse any viewer out of apathy.
Climate Change
A selection of films showing the broad reach of the effects of climate change on our lives. From innovative looks at previously neglected sectors (such as commercial shipping) to reflections on properly evaluating a nation’s wealth through its natural resources, cultural heritage, and opportunities for improvement in all areas affected by climate change.
Clean Energy
A look at clean energy alternatives that open the path to a future free of fossil fuels. Films analyzing issues ranging from the effects of coal on the Dominican-Haitian border and oil spills in our oceans, to a survey of the currently available sources of renewable energy.
Sustainable Practices and Attitudes
Provocative projects, innovative ideas, and manifold possibilities that show us how to adopt new attitudes and practices to contribute to sustainability. In our daily consumption of products and services (electricity, clothing, hygiene products, and more), in building our homes, in recycling: small actions can yield big results.
And there’s more...
Ecofilm Kids’ Short Films Program. A special collaboration between DREFF and the Ecofilm International Environmental Short Film Festival in Mexico.