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Global Foundation for Democracy and Development – GFDD

New York
Address: 780 Third Avenue 19th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 751 5000

Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo – FUNGLODE
Santo Domingo
Address: C/ Capitán Eugenio de Marchena #26. La Esperilla.
Tel: (809) 685 9966 Ext. 2447 and 2449

General Information

DREFF’s Programs
Throughout the Year

Since the inception of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) in 2011, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) has created and developed 6 year-round programs that make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the Dominican Republic.

More Information

Sponsors and Collaborators

We thank our partners, sponsors, collaborators and friends.

© Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) - All Rights Reserved