Students from Various Schools Enjoyed the Film Cordillera Central Dominicana: Oasis Del Caribe, at the Biblioteca Infantil Y Juvenil RepúBlica Dominicana

Wednesday September 10th, 2014

Children of different ages were able to enjoy yesterday, Wednesday 10, the film Cordillera Central Dominicana: Oasis del Caribe, from filmmaker Máximo José Rodríguez, as part of the special activities that complement the IV edition of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF).

9W5A2842The event took place at the Biblioteca Infantil y Juvenil República Dominicana, where a large group of students also participated in a Q & A with the director of the film.

When approached about the topic selected for production, Rodríguez said that for him the Cordillera Central is the life of the Dominican Republic. “You, the students, are the heirs and, especially, their children. This is the most important environmental asset in the entire Caribbean. My message to you is to care for our planet, our home”.

The DREFF seeks to foster discussions on sustainable development and global environmental issues and aims to inspire the Dominican public to adopt practices that ensure environmental sustainability of the country and the world.

GFDD aims to raise awareness and deepen understanding of environmental problems worldwide among the Dominican public. However, with the DREFF, GFDD also promotes and even celebrates the beauty and diversity of the natural heritage of the Dominican Republic, offering an insight into the attitudes and actions that ultimately contribute to their recognition, conservation and sustainable use.

For the full program please visit DREFF. Join the conversation on sustainable development promoted by followingGFDDorg GFDD andMuestraCine on Twitter, using the hashtags #RDsostenible and #DREFF.


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