Film Synopsis
The movie explores South Africa's coastline, and the apex predators that patrol its waters: sharks, dolphins, whales and man... their prey: the supershoal of billions of sardines that lurk in the deep cold waters of the Indian Ocean. This is where Africa meets the sea...
Filmed over two years in Kwa Zulu Natal and the Transkei, WILD OCEAN 3D transports the audience to one of the world's last wild places, and gives them a chance to see the ocean as it once was elsewhere, hundreds of years ago.
Written, directed, edited and scored by Luke Cresswell and Steve McNIcholas, with leading photographers Reed Smoot above water and DJ Roller below water, Wild Ocean is a symphonic journey, and a soaring, diving spectacle that fills the giant Imax screen in stunning 3D.
Director’s Biography
LUKE CRESSWELL (Director) is a self-taught percussionist, one-time member of Britain's leading busking/cabaret musical group Pookiesnackenburger. He also starred in the Channel Four (UK) TV series of the same name. His session work as a percussionist and programmer includes Beats International, Bette Midler, Elvis Costello, Bryan Ferry, and Freak Power. He has directed, with Steve McNicholas, the film links for the 1994 Billboard Music Awards and several commercials for both the US and Japanese markets.
Directors: Luke Cresswell, Steve McNicholas Producers: Don Kempf, Steve Kempf, David Jon Marks Screenwriters: Luke Cresswell, Steve McNicholas